例句 |
scrumsnounpl. of scrum a great number of persons or creatures massed togetherI had to fight my way through the scrum of holiday shoppers at the mall armies, bikes(chiefly Scottish), crams, crowds, crushes, droves, flocks, herds, hordes, hosts, legions, masses, mobs, multitudes, presses, routs, swarms, throngs masses, millions, rabblements, rabbles, riffraffsgagglesheaps, mountains, pilesjams, logjams a physical dispute between opposing individuals or groupswhen the server spilled a drink on a customer, they got into a bit of a scrum before being separated battles, clashes, combats, conflicts, contests, dustups, fights, fracases(or British fracas), frays, hassles, scraps, scrimmages, scuffles, skirmishes, struggles, tussles pitched battles, rough-and-tumblesaffrays(chiefly British), battles royal(or battle royals or battles royale or battle royales), brawls, broils, donnybrooks, free-for-alls, melees(also mêlées), mix-ups, ruckuses, ructionsblows, fistfights, fisticuffs, grapples, handgrips, punch-outs, punch-ups(chiefly British), slugfestsconfrontations, duels, face-offs, joustsaltercations, argle-bargles(chiefly British), arguments, argy-bargies(chiefly British), contretemps, controversies, cross fires, disagreements, disputes, fallings-out(or falling-outs), kickups, misunderstandings, quarrels, rows, spats, squabbles, tangles, tiffs, wranglescatfights truces Britisha place of uproar and confusionLondon's tube is quite a scrum during rush hour babels, bedlams, circuses, madhouses, three-ring circuses bustles, commotions, pandemoniums, rackets, ruckuses, tumults, turmoilsbrouhahas, clamors, clatters, dins, hubbubs, noiseschaoses, confusions, disarrangements, disarrays, disorders, havoc, hells, messes, musses, shambles arcadias, heavens, paradises, utopiasorders, organizationscalms, lulls, peaces, respiteshushes, quiets, silences |