

单词 sear
例句 searverb

to burn on the surfacelightly sear the steaks, but don't cook them all the way through

char, scorch, singe

fire, ignite, inflame(also enflame), kindle, lightbake, cremate, incineratescald, scathe

to make drythe clear desert air is seared by the summer sun

dehydrate, desiccate, dry, parch, scorch

dehumidifydrainevaporatemummify, shrivel, wither, wizenair-dry, bake

hydrate, wash, water, wet

bathe, deluge, douse(also dowse), drench, drown, flood, inundate, overflow, saturate, soak, sop, souse, waterlogdamp, dampen, humidify, moistenrehydratedip, dunk, submerge, swamp

before the 12th century





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