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bouncyadjective able to revert to original size and shape after being stretched, squeezed, or twistedbouncy seat cushions elastic, flexible, resilient, rubberlike, rubbery, springy, stretch, stretchable, stretchy, supple, whippy adaptable, ductile, kneadable, malleable, moldable, plastic, pliable, pliantlimber, lissome(also lissom), lithe, lithesome, willowy inelastic, inflexible, nonelastic, rigid, stiff compact, firm, hard, solid, unyieldingbrittle, crisp, crumbly, flaky(also flakey), friable, short joyously unrestrainedunsurprisingly, the bouncy talk show hostess was a cheerleader in high school bubbly, buoyant, crank(chiefly dialect), effervescent, exuberant, frolic, frolicsome, gamesome, gay, high-spirited, vivacious extroverted(also extraverted), outgoing, uninhibitedcarefree, happy-go-lucky, insouciant, joyful, lighthearted, lively, sprightlyboisterous, raucous, rollicking, rowdygiddy, light-headed, overexuberant, sillyecstatic, euphoric, lyric, rapturousaudacious, bold, brash, brazen, impertinent, impudent, insolent, saucy low-spirited, sullen constrained, inhibited, repressed, restrained, subduedimpassive, phlegmatic, stoic(or stoical), stoliddepressed, dour, glum, morose, surly in 1855 |