例句 |
bouquetsnounpl. of bouquet a bunch of flowersI bought my wife a nice bouquet for her birthday a sweet or pleasant smellthis wine has a good bouquet aromas, attars(also ottos), balms, fragrances, fragrancies, incenses, perfumes, redolences, scents, spices essences, odors fetors, malodors, reeks, stenches, stinks an admiring personal remarkan evening dress of daring design that attracted bouquets as well as brickbats compliments, kudos accolades, citations, commendations, encomiums(also encomia), eulogies, homages, paeans, panegyrics, salutations, tributes, valentines affronts, barbs, darts, digs, epithets, insults, put-downs, slights, slurs |