例句 |
bracketsnounpl. of bracket one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristicthey're in the same income bracket categories, classes, classifications, divisions, families, genera(also genuses), grades, groups, kinds, leagues, orders, ranks, rubrics, sets, species, tiers, types descriptions, feathers, ilks, kidneys, likes, manners, natures, sortsbranches, sections, specialities, specialties, subclasses, subdivisions, subgroups, subspecieses, varietiesbreeds, racesgenerationsheadings, labels, titles bracketsverbpresent tense third-person singular of bracketto describe as similarI wouldn't exactly bracket your paintings with those of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci analogizes, assimilates, compares, equates, likens associates, connects, couples, linksalludes, refers, relatesequals, matches, parallels contrasts |