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brainnoun a very smart personthe brains all sit together at lunch brainiac, genius, intellect, thinker, whiz, wiz, wizard polyhistor, polymath, Renaissance manblue, bluestocking, highbrow, intellectualsage, savantegghead, geek, longhair, nerdmaster, virtuosoace, crackerjack(also crackajack), natural blockhead, dodo, dolt, dope, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, fathead, goon, half-wit, hammerhead, idiot, imbecile, knucklehead, moron, nitwit, numskull(or numbskull), pinhead ignoramus, illiterate, know-nothing, lowbrowanti-intellectual, philistineass, donkey, fool, jackassbeast, boor, cad, churl, clown, creep, cretin, cur, heel, jerk, louse, lout, skunk, snake, stinker often brains pl.the ability to learn and understand or to deal with problemsyou have the brains to figure out that problem on your own brainpower, gray matter, headpiece, intellect, intellectuality, intelligence, mentality, reason, sense, smarts eggheadedness, highbrowism, intellectualismbraininess, brillianceacumen, alertness, apprehension, astuteness, discernment, discriminability, insight, judgment(or judgement), perception, percipience, perspicacitycommon sense, horse sense, mother witaptitude, talentsagacity, sapience, wisdom, withead, mind, skull denseness, density, doltishness, dopiness, dullness(also dulness), dumbness, fatuity, feeblemindedness, foolishness, half-wittedness, idiocy, imbecility, senselessness, simpleness, slowness, stupidity the part of a person that feels, thinks, perceives, wills, and especially reasonsI'd love to get inside his brain and experience the world as he experiences it cerebrum, head, mind, psyche, thinker belfry, gray matter, intellect, intelligence, loaf(British slang), noodle, reason, skullacumen, alertness, astuteness, brilliance, insight, judgment(or judgement), mentality, perception, perspicacity, sagacity, sapience, wisdom, witawareness, cognizance, consciousness, self-awareness, self-consciousness before the 12th century |