

单词 fulminations
例句 fulminationsnounpl. of fulmination

harsh insulting languageplayers were told they had a right to be spared the foulmouthed fulmination of the hockey coach

abuses, billingsgates, invectives, obloquies, scurrilities, vitriols, vituperations

blackguardismsblasphemies, curses, execrations, imprecations, maledictions, profanitiesepithets, insults, put-downs, slursexpletives, swearwordsaspersions, belittlements, disparagements, revilements, vilificationscastigations, chastisements, criticisms, excoriations, opprobriums, rebukes, reprimands, reproofsbroadsides, diatribes, harangues, polemics, tirades

acclaim, applauses, commendations, praisescompliments, congratulations, endearments, felicitationsadulations, blarneys, flatteries, overpraises, soft soaps





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