例句 |
furnoun the hairy covering of a mammal especially when fine, soft, and thickthe chinchilla is known for its exceptionally soft fur coat, fleece, hair, jacket, pelage, pile, wool undercoat, underfurhide, leather, pelt, skin a soft airy substance or coveringpicked at the fur on the chenille pillows down, floss, fluff, fuzz, lint, nap, pile batting the outer covering of an animal removed for its commercial valuefurriers willing to pay good money for a lynx fur hide, leather, pelt, skin badger, beaver, chamois, chinchilla, ermine, fisher, fox, marten, mink, muskrat, otter, Persian lamb, rabbit, raccoon(also racoon), sable, sealbearskin, buckskin, calfskin, coonskin, cowhide, deerskin, doeskin, goatskin, horsehide, karakul, kidskin, kolinsky, lambskin, pigskin, rawhide, sealskin, sharkskin, sheep, sheepskin, snakeskinfleece, moutonalligator, crocodilecordovan, morocco, patent leather, suede in the 14th century |