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unguardedadjective free in expressing one's true feelings and opinionsthe swimming coach quickly regretted his unguarded comments about the young swimmer's limitations candid, direct, forthcoming, forthright, foursquare, frank, free-spoken, freehearted, honest, open, openhearted, out-front, outspoken, plain, plainspoken, straight, straightforward, unreserved, up-front artless, earnest, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive(or naïve), natural, real, sincere, unaffected, undesigning, unpretending, unpretentiousoutgoing, uninhibited, unrestrainedvocal, vociferousabrupt, bluff, blunt, brusque(also brusk), crusty, curt, gruff, sharpimpertinent, impolite, inconsiderate, rude, tactless, thoughtless, uncivil, undiplomatic, ungracious, unmannerly, unsubtle dissembling, uncandid, unforthcoming inhibited, reserved, restrainedclose-mouthed, laconic, quiet, reticent, taciturn, tight-lipped, uncommunicativeambiguous, circuitous, equivocal, evasivediplomatic, politic, tactfulcivil, considerate, courteous, polite lacking protection from danger or resistance against attackan unguarded gate that would later prove to be the fatal weakness in the city's defenses defenseless, exposed, helpless, susceptible, undefended, unprotected, unresistant, vulnerable indefensible, untenableuncovered, unsafeovercome, preyed (on or upon)disarmed, passive, resistless, unarmedfeeble, frail, weakabandoned, high and dry, marooned in the lurch guarded, invulnerable, protected, resistant, shielded defensiblecovered, fortified, safe, screened, secure, shelteredarmed, armoredimmune, impenetrable, impregnable, invincible, strong, unassailable, unbeatable, unconquerablealmighty, omnipotent not paying or showing close attention especially for the purpose of avoiding troublein an unguarded moment I let my mind wander and smashed my car into a tree careless, heedless, incautious, mindless, unsafe, unwary bold, impetuous, rash, recklessinattentive, regardlessblithe, inconsiderate, thoughtlessabsentminded, forgetful, unmindfullax, neglectful, negligent, remiss, slipshodimprudent, indiscreet, injudiciousinadvertent, unintentional, unplanned alert, cautious, circumspect, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, wary attentive, chary, observant, vigilant, watchfulforesighted, forethoughtful, providentcalculating, scheming, shrewdconsiderate, thoughtfulultracareful, ultracautious ca. 1593 |