例句 |
unoriginaladjective using or marked by the use of something else as a basis or modelcritics faulted the novel for having a painfully unoriginal plot apish, canned, emulative, epigonic(or epigonous), formulaic, imitative, mimetic, mimic, slavish copied, cribbed, plagiarizedartificial, bogus, factitious, fake, false, imitation, man-made, mock, sham, simulated, substitute, syntheticduplicated, photocopied, reduplicated, reproduced, transcribedbackupcounterfeit, deceptive, forged, fraudulent, misleadingcut-and-dried(also cut-and-dry), perfunctory, routine, uninspired archetypal(also archetypical), original authentic, bona fide, legitimate, truegenuine, natural, realclassic, ideal, model in 1749 |