例句 |
neveradverb at no timeI have never been out of the country ne'er nevermorenotinfrequently, little, rarely, seldom always, constantly, continuously, endlessly, ever, forever, perpetually eternally, everlastingly, evermore, invariablyfrequently, often, recurrently, repeatedly not in any degree, way, or under any conditioneven though my proposal was turned down, I will never be convinced that my idea isn't a good one no, none, nothing, noway(or noways), nowise nowhere near by no means, in no wise, nothing doing, on no account anyhow, anyway, anywise, at all, ever, half, however completely, extremely, full, fully, par excellence, right, veryaltogether, exactlysomehow, someway(also someways)out before the 12th century |