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newadjective taking the place of one that came beforeafter my bike was stolen, my scooter became my new mode of transportation makeshift, substitute, substitutive alternate, alternative, pinchdifferent, other, separateextra, spareimprovised, juryanother, secondutilitysuccessiveequivalent original first, formerequal, identical, samelasting, permanent not known or experienced beforeSpanish was a new course of study for her advances in optical technology allow us to observe new planets fresh, novel, original, strange, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, unheard-of, unknown, unprecedented innovative, uniquenontraditional, unconventional, untried, unused, unwornpathbreaking, pioneering, trailblazing familiar, hackneyed, old, time-honored, tired, warmed-over conventional, established, traditional, tried, tried-and-truederivative, imitative recently made and never used beforethat unique scent that comes with a new car brand-new, spick-and-span(or spic-and-span), unused clean, fresh, mint, pristine, unspoileduntouchednewfangled, new-fashionednatural, raw, unprocessed, untreated, unworked, virgin hand-me-down, second hand, used dirty, soiled, spoiled, staleaged, beat-up, old, shabby, shopworn, well-handled, worn made or become fresh in spirits or vigora little rest made him a new man after the exhausting basketball game energized, freshened, invigorated, newborn, reanimated, reborn, recreated, reenergized, refreshed, regenerated, reinvigorated, renewed, resuscitated, revived animated, enlivened, exhilarated, jazzed (up)resurrectedrested, untired, unwearied drained, enervate, enervated, exhausted, knackered(British), weakened tired, wearydampened, deadenedemasculated, unmanneddemoralized, disheartened, dispirited being or involving the latest methods, concepts, information, or stylesnew techniques in plastic surgery contemporary, current, designer, hot, mod, modern, modernistic, new age, new-fashioned, newfangled, present-day, red-hot, space-age, state-of-the-art, ultramodern, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute fashionable, happening, in, modish, nouvelle, now, stylishlast, latestmodernized, updatedfuturistic, high-tech(also hi-tech)latter-day, recent antiquated, archaic, dated, fusty, musty, oldfangled, old-fashioned, old-time, out-of-date, passé anachronisticaged, age-old, ancient, antediluvian, hoary, old, venerablebygone, former, late, olden, pastantique, historic, historicalretro, retrogradekaput(also kaputt), obsolete, outmoded, outworn, unmodernizedold-worlddiscarded, disused, moth-eatenforgotten, remoteageless, dateless, timeless newadverbnot long agonew-mown grass freshly, just, late, lately, newly, now, only, recently latterly of late anciently ago, before, earlier, early, erstwhile, formerly, previouslyheretofore, hitherto adj.new, novel, original, fresh mean having recently come into existence or use.new may apply to what is freshly made and unusednew brick or has not been known beforenew designs or not experienced before.starts the new job novel applies to what is not only new but strange or unprecedented.a novel approach to the problem original applies to what is the first of its kind to exist.a man without one original idea fresh applies to what has not lost its qualities of newness such as liveliness, energy, brightness.a fresh start before the 12th century |