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breaksnounpl. of break a momentary halt in an activitythere was a brief break after the first movement as the doors to the concert hall were opened and the latecomers were allowed in breathers, breaths, interruptions, lulls, pauses, recesses time-outsinterims, interludes, intermissions, intervals, respites, restscessations, discontinuances, downtimes, endings, expirations, hitches, lapses, stoppages, terminationsabeyances, moratoriums(or moratoria), surceases, suspensionsdiscontinuities, gaps, hiatuses continuations, endurances, persistences, progresses, progressionsextensions, prolongations a period during which the usual routine of school or work is suspendedmost of the students at the boarding school are going home for Christmas break holidays(chiefly British), hols(British), leaves, recesses, vacations sabbaticalsfurloughs, libertiesbreathers, relaxations, respites, restsinterims, intermissions, intervalsfeasts, holy days, legal holidays an open space in a barrier (as a wall or hedge)the rancher repaired the break in the fence where the horse had gotten through breaches, discontinuities, gaps, gulfs, hiatuses, holes, interstices, intervals, openings, rents, rifts, separations, voids chinks, clefts, cracks, crannies, crevices, fissuresnotches, slits, slots, splitsinterspaces, poresabysses, apertures, cavities, chasms, gapes, orificesfractures, ruptures, severances a favorable combination of circumstances, time, and placein classic fashion, her big break came when, as an understudy, she took over for an ailing star chances, occasions, openings, opportunities, room, shots plays, waysjunctures, passes an unexpected benefit or advantage resulting from the uncertain course of eventsa guy who just seems to get all the breaks in life the act or an instance of getting free from danger or confinementa desperate break from that hellhole breakouts, bunks(British), escapes, flights, getaways, lams, routs, slips jailbreaksdeliverances, liberations, redemptions, releases, rescues, salvationsclose calls, close shaves, near misses captivities, confinements, immurements, imprisonments, incarcerations, internmentscustodies, detentions, holdings, holds, retentionsendangerments, hazards, imperilments, jeopardies, perils, risks, troubles breaksverbpresent tense third-person singular of breakto cause to separate into pieces usually suddenly or forciblyhated telling her that I had broken her favorite glass vase breaks up, busts, disintegrates, dismembers, disrupts, fractures, fragments, rives atomizes, crushes, grinds, powders, pulverizes, reducesblasts, blows up, bursts, detonates, explodescracks, pops, shatters, shivers, smasheschips, slivers, splinters, splitsimplodesdestroys, ruins, wrecks doctors, fixes, heals, mends, patches, rebuilds, reconditions, reconstructs, renovates, repairs to bring (as an action or operation) to an immediate endthe final vote broke the deadlock breaks off, breaks up, cans(slang), ceases, cuts off, cuts out, desists (from), discontinues, drops, ends, gives over, halts, knocks off, lays off, leaves off, packs (up or in), quits, shuts off, stops completes, concludes, finishescloses (down)deactivatesblockades, blocks, dams, delays, detains, hinders, holds, holds back, impedes, kiboshes, obstructs, stemscalls, suspendsarrests, brakes, checks, clamps down, reins (in), squashes, squelches, stamps, stanches(or staunches), stunts, suppresses, turns backpauses, stays, suspendsabolishes, aborts, annuls, demolishes, destroys, dissolves, kills, ruins, scuttles, snuffs has done with, puts the kibosh on carries on, continues, follows through (with), keeps up, runs onadvances, proceeds, progressesactuates, drives, impels, propels, stirs to bring to a lower grade or rankthe captain was broken to lieutenant commander for disobeying a direct order from his group commander busts, degrades, demotes, disrates, downgrades, reduces cans, cashiers, dismisses, downsizes, fires, lays off, sacksabases, debases, demeans, humbles, humiliates, lowers advances, elevates, promotes, raises hires to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary languageAlan Turing and the Bletchley Park mathematicians broke the Enigma code being used by the Nazis cracks, deciphers, decodes, decrypts descrambles, unscramblesrenders, translatesdopes (out), figures out, puzzles (out), solves, unravels, unriddles, works, works out ciphers, codes, enciphers, encodes, encrypts garbles, jumbles (up), mixes (up) to come to a temporary halt in one's activityshe broke from her ruminations to find that it was already dinnertime pauses hesitatesbreaks in, interruptsceases, discontinues, ends, finishes, stops, terminatesknocks off, lays off, quitslapses, lets up catches one's breath, holds one's horses continues, persistsadvances, progressesextends, prolongs, stretches to cut into and turn over the sod of (a piece of land) using a bladed implementfarmers once broke fields with horse-drawn plows to fail to keephad to confess that he had broken his promise not to share their conversation with anyone breaches, contravenes, fractures, infringes (on or upon), offends, traduces, transgresses, violates disobeys, rebelsblows off, brushes (off), disregards, flouts, ignores, neglects, overlooks, overpasses, passes over, slights, tunes out, winks (at)dismisses, pooh-poohs(also poohs), scorns, shrugs offdefies, resists, withstands complies (with), conforms (to), follows, minds, obeys, observes defers (to), serves, submits (to), surrenders (to), yields (to)attends, hears, heeds, listens (to), marks, notes, notices, regards, watches to find an answer for through reasoningProfessor Bates broke the problem when she realized that it was possible to synthesize the necessary compounds answers, cracks, dopes (out), figures out, puzzles (out), resolves, riddles (out), solves, unravels, unriddles, works, works out concludes, decides, deduces, gathers, infers, judges, reasonsclears (up), irons out, straightens (out), unscrambles, untangles, untiesassumes, conjectures, divines, guesses, presumes, speculatesdeciphers, decodes to reduce the soundness, effectiveness, or perfection ofI broke a tooth on the hard candy blemishes, bloodies, compromises, crabs, cripples, crosses (up), damages, defaces, disfigures, endamages, flaws, harms, hurts, impairs, injures, mars, spoils, vitiates deteriorates, enervates, enfeebles, undermines, weakenserodes, scours, washes out, wears (away)blights, tarnishesdents, dings, dintsbotches, gums (up), queerslacerates, woundsdisables, hamstrings, lames, maims, mangles, mutilates, torments, torturesannihilates, bangs up, bashes, batters, clobbers, crushes, dashes, decimates, demolishes, desolates, destroys, devastates, does in, pulverizes, razes, ruins, scourges, shatters, smashes, tears down, totals, wastes, wipes out, wrecks doctors, fixes, mends, patches, rebuilds, reconditions, reconstructs, renovates, repairs, revamps cures, heals, helps, rectifies, rehabilitates, remediesedits, remodels, revisesameliorates, betters, enhances, enriches, improves, meliorates, perfects, refines to stop functioningafter working for 30 years, the pump simply broke one day breaks down, conks (out), crashes, cuts out, dies, fails, gives out, stalls fizzles, sputters, wheezesacts up, malfunctionsjams starts (up) to hasten away from something dangerous or frighteningthe herd of gazelles broke when they saw the lions racing toward them from the ridge above bolts, bugs out, flees, flies, hightails (it), retreats, runs, runs away, runs off, skedaddles absconds, clears out, decamps, elopes, escapes, gets (away), gets out, lams, lights out, makes off, mizzles(chiefly British), scarpers(British), scats, scrams, skips (out), skirrs beats a retreat, beats it, makes tracks, turns tail beards, braves, confronts, dares, defies, facesabides, dwells, hangs around, lingers, remains, stays, sticks around, tarries to use up all the physical energy ofthe trek up the mountain just about broke me burns out, busts, does in, does up, drains, exhausts, fags, fatigues, frazzles, harasses, kills, knocks out, outwears, tires, tuckers (out), washes out, wearies, wears, wears out debilitates, enervates, enfeebles, saps, wastes, weakens wears to a frazzle activates, energizes, invigorates, rejuvenates, strengthens, vitalizesrelaxes, rests, unwinds to become knownas soon as the scandal broke, the CEO fled the country circulates, comes out, gets about, gets around, gets out, gets round, leaks (out), outs, spreads develops, transpires, unfoldsdiscloses, reveals, spills, tells hushes (up), suppressesconceals, disguises, hides, maskssecretes to cause to lose one's fortune and become unable to pay one's debtsanother bad investment could break him to come into existencethe crisis had passed, and a new day was breaking actualizes, appears, arises, begins, commences, dawns, engenders, forms, materializes, originates, sets in, springs, starts breathes, exists, is, lives, subsistsarrives, comes on, emergescoalesces, coheres, shapes (up)continues, endures, lasts, persists, survives ceases, ends, stops concludes, desists, discontinues, finishes, halts, quits, terminatesdisappears, dissolves, evaporates, vanishesdeparts, dies, expires, passes away, perishes to depart abruptly from a straight line or coursethe running back broke to his left before running out of bounds cuts, sheers, swerves, veers, yaws, zags, zigs skews, slews(also slues)arches, arcs, bends, bows, crooks, curves, hooks, rounds, sweeps, wheelsabout-faces, pivotscircles, coils, curls, loops, spiralsturns, twists, windsweaves, zigzagsdeviates, strays, wanders, wavers straightens to diminish the price or value ofdistressing economic news that will break many energy stocks attenuates, cheapens, depreciates, depresses, devaluates, devalues, downgrades, lowers, marks down, reduces, sinks, writes down, writes off debases, demonetizesunderestimates, underprices, underrates, undervaluesabridges, compresses, contracts, de-escalates, deflates, downsizes, dwindles, lessens, moderates, shrinks appreciates, enhances, marks up, upgrades bloats, blows up, inflatesoverestimates, overprices, overrates, overvaluesadds, aggrandizes, amplifies, augments, balloons, boosts, compounds, dilates, enlarges, escalates, expands, extends, heightens, increases, maximizes, multiplies, raises, swells, ups to go beyond the limit ofa menu with prices that is likely to break the budgets of all but the wealthiest of diners exceeds, outreaches, outruns, overpasses, overreaches, overruns, overshoots, oversteps, surpasses, transcends encroaches, entrenches(also intrenches), infringes, invades, trespassesoverdoes, overuses, overutilizes, overworks to penetrate the surface (as of water) from belowdolphins were breaking all around the boat broaches, surfaces emerges, rises dives, drops, drowns, founders, plunges, sinks, submerges, submerses |