例句 |
breathsnounpl. of breath a momentary halt in an activitylet's all take a breath before continuing this discussion breaks, breathers, interruptions, lulls, pauses, recesses time-outsinterims, interludes, intermissions, intervals, respites, restscessations, discontinuances, downtimes, endings, expirations, hitches, lapses, stoppages, terminationsabeyances, moratoriums(or moratoria), surceases, suspensionsdiscontinuities, gaps, hiatuses continuations, endurances, persistences, progresses, progressionsextensions, prolongations a slight or gentle movement of aira sweet breath caressed her cheek as she sat in the garden airs, breezes, puffs, wafts, zephyrs currents, drafts, whiffssea breezesblasts, blows, flurries, gales, headwinds, northeasters, northers, northwesters, southeasters, southwesters, tailwinds, westerlies, windssqualls, tempests, tornadoes(or tornados), windstormsairflows calms an almost imperceptible sign of somethingthe mornings are already getting warmer, and there is a breath of spring in the air flickers, glimmers, hints, suggestions, tangs, touches, traces, whiffs inklings, intimations, scents, windsevidences, indications, marks, signs permeations, pervasions, saturations |