例句 |
breednoun a number of persons or things that are grouped together because they have something in commonsome people say that honest politicians are a rare breed class, description, feather, genre, ilk, kidney, kind, like, manner, nature, order, sort, species, strain, stripe, type, variety modelsample, specimenbracket, bunch, category, division, family, grade, group, grouping, lot, persuasion, rank(s), set, suite breedverbto bring forth offspringrabbits will breed very frequently unless they're kept separated multiply, procreate, propagate, reproduce bear, beget, engender, gender, generate, get, have, mother, parent, produce, sirehatch, spawn to bring to maturity through care and educationhe was bred to a life in the military by his father, himself an army captain bring up, foster, nourish, nurse, raise, rear father, motherattend, care (for), cradle, cultivate, mind, minister (to), nurture, watchdiscipline, educate, instruct, mentor, school, teach, train, tutoredify, enlighten, indoctrinatefeed, provide (for), supplyadvance, forward, further, promotepreparedirect, guide, lead, shepherd, show abuse, ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat, mishandle, mistreatignore, neglectharm, hurt, injure to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind)this habit of favoring one employee over the others will breed resentment beget, bring, bring about, bring on, catalyze, cause, create, do, draw on, effect, effectuate, engender, generate, induce, invoke, make, occasion, produce, prompt, result (in), spawn, translate (into), work, yield conduce (to), contribute (to)decide, determinebegin, establish, father, found, inaugurate, initiate, innovate, institute, introduce, launch, pioneer, set, set up, startadvance, cultivate, develop, encourage, forward, foster, further, nourish, nurture, promoteenact, render, turn out bring forth, give rise to impede, limit, restrictclamp down (on), crack down (on), crush, dampen, put down, quash, quell, repress, smother, squash, squelch, stifle, subdue, suppressarrest, check, control, curb, inhibit, rein (in), restrain, retardcan(slang), kill, snuff (out), stillabolish, demolish, destroy, extinguish, liquidate, quench to engage in sexual intercoursecats breeding outside our window made a horrible racket last night copulate, mate, sleep fool around, fornicate do it, have sex to set permanently in the consciousness or mind-setparents who breed in their children a deep respect for people of all classes enroot, implant, inculcate, infix, inseminate, instill, plant, sow drive, hammer, poundembed(also imbed), entrench(also intrench), fix, lodge, rootimbue, infuse, ingrain(also engrain), inoculate, invest, steep, suffuse before the 12th century |