例句 |
brings aroundverbpresent tense third-person singular of bring around to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action by using arguments or earnest requestan airtight argument is the only thing that will ever bring him around argues, brings, converts, convinces, gains, gets, induces, moves, persuades, prevails (on or upon), satisfies, talks (into), wins (over) blandishes, blarneys, cajoles, coaxes, entreats, exhorts, fast-talks, urges, wheedlesallures, beguiles, leads on, lures, seduces, snows, temptsbrainwashes, overpersuadesinclines, influences, moves, prompts, sells, swaysattracts, draws, entices, interestschews over, converses, debates, discusses, disputes, hashes (over), mootsreasons (with) deters, discourages, dissuades, unsells |