例句 |
sectionsnounpl. of section an area (as of a city) set apart for some purpose or having some special featureseveral abandoned warehouses in the city's industrial section are being converted into art galleries and artists' lofts districts, nabes, neighborhoods, quarters belts, zonesdepartments, divisions, partsprecincts, wardsareas, backyards, localities, places, regionsbarrios, enclaves, ghettos(also ghettoes), hoods(or 'hoods) one of the pieces from which something is designed to be assembledhad trouble fitting the sections of the bookcase together members, partitions, parts, portions, segments components, constituents, elements, factors, ingredients, moieties, parcelscuts, lengthsbits, fragments, particles, scraps wholesaggregates, composites, compounds, sums, totalities, totals |