例句 |
furtheringverbpresent participle of further to help the growth or development ofshe worked hard to further her operatic career advancing, cultivating, encouraging, forwarding, fostering, incubating, nourishing, nursing, nurturing, promoting advocating, backing, championing, endorsing(also indorsing), supporting, upholdingendowing, financing, funding, patronizing, staking, subsidizing, underwritingabetting, aiding, assistingadvertising, boosting, plugging, publicizing, toutingagitating (for), campaigning (for), working (for) discouraging, frustrating, hindering, inhibiting banning, barring, enjoining, forbidding, interdicting, outlawing, preventing, prohibiting, proscribingbattling, combating(or combatting), contending (with), countering, fighting, opposingrepressing, snuffing (out), squashing, squelching, stifling, subduing, suppressingarresting, checking, halting, retardingencumbering, fettering, hobbling, impeding, interfering (with), manacling, obstructing, shackling |