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gaffenoun a socially improper or unsuitable act or remarkcommitted a huge gaffe when she started drinking from the finger bowl familiarity, faux pas, gaff, impropriety, indiscretion, solecism blunder, error, flub, fumble, goof, lapse, miscue, misstep, mistake, oversight, slip, slipup, stumblediscourtesy, incivility, offense(or offence)boner, howlerfoul-up, muffmisapprehension, miscalculation, misconception, misjudgment, misstatement, misunderstanding amenity, attention, civility, courtesy, formality, gesture, pleasantry form, manners, mores, proprieties an unintentional departure from truth or accuracyso-called debates, which seemed to be mainly about seeing which candidate made the most gaffes blunder, bobble, boo-boo, boob(British), brick, clanger(British), clinker, error, fault, flub, fluff, fumble, gaff, goof, inaccuracy, lapse, miscue, misstep, mistake, oversight, screwup, slip, slipup, stumble, trip bloomer, blooper, boner, howler, pratfallfoul-up, snafumisapprehension, miscalculation, miscomprehension, misconception, misconstruction, misdescription, misimpression, misinterpretation, misjudgment, misreading, misstatement, misunderstanding accuracy, correctness, exactitude, exactness, preciseness, precision, strictnessinerrancy, infallibility, perfection in 1909 |