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gaffsnounpl. of gaff a socially improper or unsuitable act or remarkyou can expect to make some amusing gaffs until you get more familiar with the language familiarities, faux pas, gaffes, improprieties, indiscretions, solecisms blunders, errors, flubs, fumbles, goofs, lapses, miscues, missteps, mistakes, oversights, slips, slipups, stumblesdiscourtesies, incivilities, offenses(or offences)boners, howlersfoul-ups, muffsmisapprehensions, miscalculations, misconceptions, misjudgments, misstatements, misunderstandings amenities, attentions, civilities, courtesies, formalities, gestures, pleasantries forms, manners, mores, proprieties an unintentional departure from truth or accuracydouble-check the new writer's grammar, as it's typically riddled with gaffs blunders, bobbles, boo-boos, boobs(British), bricks, clangers(British), clinkers, errors, faults, flubs, fluffs, fumbles, gaffes, goofs, inaccuracies, lapses, miscues, missteps, mistakes, oversights, screwups, slips, slipups, stumbles, trips bloomers, bloopers, boners, howlers, pratfallsfoul-ups, snafusmisapprehensions, miscalculations, miscomprehensions, misconceptions, misconstructions, miscues, misdescriptions, misimpressions, misinterpretations, misjudgments, misreadings, misstatements, misunderstandings accuracies, exactitudes, precisionsinerrancies, infallibilities, perfections gaffsverbpresent tense third-person singular of gaffto cause to believe what is untruea sleazy schemer who gaffed gullible people into thinking they could get rich with a money-making opportunity bamboozles, beguiles, bluffs, buffaloes, burns, catches, cons, cozens, deceives, deludes, dupes, fakes out, fools, gammons, gulls, has, has on(chiefly British), hoaxes, hoodwinks, hornswoggles, humbugs, juggles, misguides, misinforms, misleads, snookers, snows, spoofs, strings along, suckers, sucks in, takes in, tricks kids, puts on, teasesbleeds, cheats, chisels, defrauds, diddles, euchres, fleeces, flimflams, gyps, hustles, mulcts, rooks, shortchanges, skins, squeezes, sticks, stings, swindles does a number on, leads one down the garden path(also leads one up the garden path), pulls one's leg, pulls the wool over one's eyes undeceives debunks, exposes, reveals, shows up, uncloaks, uncovers, unmasksdiscloses, divulges, tells, unveilsdisabuses, disenchants, disillusions to rob by the use of trickery or threatsthe operators of the traveling carnival had gaffed patrons with a variety of time-honored ruses beats, bilks, bleeds, cheats, chisels, chouses, cons, cozens, defrauds, diddles, does, does in, euchres, fiddles, fleeces, flimflams, gyps, hoses(slang), hustles, mulcts, nobbles(British slang), plucks, reams, rips off, rooks, screws, shakes down, shortchanges, shorts, skins, skunks, squeezes, sticks, stiffs, stings, suckers, swindles, thimblerigs, victimizes extorts, wrenches, wrests, wringsclips, gouges, nicks, overcharges, soaksexploits, milksdeceives, dupes, fools, gulls, tricksropes (in)betrays, bitches, double-crossesbamboozles, fast-talks sells a bill of goods to, takes for a ride, takes to the cleaners |