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gallantsnounpl. of gallant a man extremely interested in his clothing and personal appearancehe was quite a gallant, primping more than either of his sisters Beau Brummells, beaux(or beaus), bucks, dandies, dudes, fops, jays, lounge lizards, macaronis, pretty boys, toffs(chiefly British) coxcombs, fancy Dans, popinjaysblades, cavaliers, dashersclotheshorses, exquisites, swells slobs, slovens a man who courts a woman usually with the goal of marrying hershe had a whole host of gallants vying for her hand in marriage suitors, swains, wooers beaux(or beaus), boyfriends, fellows, men, old men, significant others, squeezes(slang)admirers, crushes, steadiesbeloveds, darlings, dears, favorites, flames, honeys, lovers, loves, sparks, sweethearts, sweetie pies, sweeties, sweets, valentinesdates, escortsfiancés, intendeds |