例句 |
broadenverb to increase the width, breadth, or scope ofThey decided to broaden the road by adding an additional lane. You'll find if you broaden your horizons that there are many right paths to choose. enlarge, expand, widenelongate, extend, lengthen, stretchadd (to), amplify, augment, build up, swellaccentuate, amp (up), beef (up), boost, consolidate, deepen, enhance, heighten, intensify, magnify, redouble, step up, strengthenemphasize, point (up), sharpen, stressenforce, reinforce(also reenforce), restrengthen, supplementmaximize narrow (down), constrictdecrease, diminish, lessen, let up (on), reduce, subdue, tone (down), weaken in 1727 |