

单词 broke down
例句 broke downverbpast tense of break down

to arrange or assign according to typewhen presented with the pile of files, the first thing he did was to break them down by month, order within the month, and region

assorted, categorized, classed, classified, codified, compartmentalized, compartmented, digested, distinguished, distributed, graded, grouped, pegged, placed, ranged, ranked, relegated, separated, sorted, typed

arrayed, disposed, drew up, marshaled(or marshalled), ordered, organized, systematizedalphabetized, cataloged(or catalogued), filed, indexed, listed, referredpigeonholed, shelvedidentified, recognizedculled, screened, set, sieved, sifted, winnowedclumped, clustered, colligatedrecategorized, reclassified, regroupedsubcategorized

confused, disarranged, jumbled, lumped, mixed (up), scrambledmisclassified, missorted(or mis-sorted), mistyped

to go through decompositionthe enamel of a human tooth will begin to break down when exposed to sugar for too long

corrupted, decayed, decomposed, disintegrated, festered, fouled, molded, moldered, perished(chiefly British), putrefied, rotted, spoiled(or chiefly British spoilt)

soured, turned, turned off(British)contaminated, defiled, polluted, taintedaddled, curdled, fermentedmortifiedrustedcrumbled, declined, degenerated, descended, deteriorated, dilapidated, sank(or sunk), withered

fell apart, went to seed(or ran to seed)

aged, developed, grew, matured, ripenedrefreshed, renewed, restoredcleansed, purifiedassembled, composed, integratedameliorated, bettered, improved, meliorated

to identify and examine the basic elements or parts of (something) especially for discovering interrelationshipsif we break the problem down into what appear to be three aspects of it, we'll have a better chance of solving it

analyzed, anatomized, assayed, cut, deconstructed, dissected

assessed, diagnosed, evaluated, examined, inspected, investigated, scrutinizedarranged, assorted, cataloged(or catalogued), categorized, classified, codified, diagrammed(or diagramed), enumerated, indexed, ordered, schematized, sorted, tabulateddivided, reduced, segmented, separated, subdivided

agglomerated, aggregated, amalgamated, assimilated, coalesced, conglomerated, consolidated, integrated, synthesized, unified

to stop functioningthe computer finally broke down and had to be replaced

broke, conked (out), crashed, cut out, died, failed, gave out, stalled

fizzled, sputtered, wheezedacted up, malfunctionedjammed

started (up)

to yield to mental or emotional stressbegan to break down when he realized that he was on the verge of bankruptcy

broke up, cracked, flipped (out)(slang), freaked (out), melted down, wigged (out)(slang)


blew one's cool, fell apart, lost it, went off the deep end, went to pieces

to take apartthe crew was breaking down the party tent when we arrived

demounted, disassembled, dismantled, dismembered, dismounted, knocked down, struck, took down

detached, disengagedbroke up, disaggregated, disarticulated, disconnected, disjoined, disjointed, dissevered, disunited, divided, separated

assembled, constructed

built, erected, pitchedcombined, united

to cause to break with violence and much noisefirefighters had to break down the wall to rescue the kitten

crashed, shattered, smashed

busted(also bust), fractured, fragmentedannihilated, bashed, decimated, demolished, desolated, destroyed, devastated, nuked, pulverized, ruined, tore down, totaled(or totalled), vaporized, wasted, wracked, wreckedshivered, splintered, splitcracked, crunched, crushed, snapped





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