

单词 brutal
例句 brutaladjective

difficult to endurebrutal hard labor in the hot sun

bitter, burdensome, cruel, excruciating, grievous, grim, hard, hardhanded, harsh, heavy, inhuman, murderous, onerous, oppressive, rough, rugged, searing, severe, stiff, tough, trying

austere, bleak, comfortless, discomforting, forbidding, inhospitable, spartan, uncomfortablebiting, inclement, intemperate, wildrigorous, strict, stringentagonizing, heartbreaking, heartrending, painful, wretchedcrushing, grinding, overwhelming, wearinginsufferable, insupportable, intolerable, unbearable, unendurableharrowing, tortuousbad, disagreeable, hostile, unfriendly, unpleasant

easy, light, soft

comfortable, cozy, luxurious, snugagreeable, friendly, genial, hospitable, pleasantpeaceful, relaxing, reposeful, restfulbearable, endurable, painless, tolerablebalmy, calm, clement, gentle, mild, moderate, temperate

having or showing the desire to inflict severe pain and suffering on othersa brutal tyrant who drove his country to revolt

atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, brute, butcherly, cruel, fiendish, heartless, inhuman, inhumane, sadistic, savage, truculent, vicious, wanton

hard-hearted, ironhearted, merciless, pitiless, ruthless, stonyhearted, unfeelingfell, ferocious, grimbloodthirsty, cutthroat, murderous, sanguinary, sanguinecatty, despiteful, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, vindictivedraconian, draconic, hardhanded, harsh, heavy-handed, oppressive

red in tooth and claw

benign, benignant, compassionate, good-hearted, humane, kind, kindhearted, sympathetic, tenderhearted

tender, warm, warmheartedcharitable, clement, lenient, merciful, pityingpacific, peaceable, peaceful

having or showing the nature and appetites of a lower animala coarse, brutal man who has no sense of what it means to be refined or sensitive or cultured

animalistic, beastly, bestial, brute, brutish, feral, ferine, subhuman, swinish

animal, bodily, carnal, corporal, corporeal, fleshly, physical, sensualbarbaric, barbarous, cruel, heartless, inhumane, sadistic, savage, vicious, wantoncoarse, crass, crude, gross, ill-bred, lowbred, rude, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unrefined, vulgar

chivalrous, elevated, gallant, great, greathearted, high, high-minded, lofty, lordly, magnanimous, noble, sublimeangelic(or angelical), spiritualbeneficent, benevolent, benignant, compassionate, good-hearted, kind, kindhearted, kindly, softhearted, tenderheartedcultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, refined, well-bred

brutal, brutish, bestial, feral mean characteristic of an animal in nature, action, or instinct.brutal applies to people, their acts, or their words and suggests a lack of intelligence, feeling, or humanity.a senseless and brutal warbrutish stresses likeness to an animal in low intelligence, in base appetites, and in behavior based on instinct.brutish stupiditybestial suggests a state of degradation unworthy of humans and fit only for beasts.bestial depravityferal suggests the savagery or ferocity of wild animals.the struggle to survive unleashed their feral impulses

in the 15th century





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