例句 |
brutalitynoun disposition to willfully inflict pain and suffering on othersthe police were accused of brutality for using excessive force in making arrests atrociousness, atrocity, barbarity, barbarousness, cruelness, cruelty, fiendishness, heartlessness, inhumanity, inhumanness, sadism, savageness, savagery, truculence, viciousness, wantonness hard-heartedness, mercilessness, pitilessness, ruthlessness, unfeelingnessfellness, ferociousness, ferocity, fierceness, grimnessbloodlust, bloodthirstiness, murderousness, sanguineness, sanguinitycattiness, despitefulness, hatefulness, malevolence, maliciousness, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spitefulnesshardhandedness, harshness, heavy-handedness, oppressiveness benignity, compassion, good-heartedness, humaneness, humanity, kindheartedness, kindness, sympathy, tenderheartedness tenderness, warmheartedness, warmness, warmthcharitableness, clemency, leniency, mercifulness, mercy, pity the manifestation of the traits or the gratification of the appetites of a lower animalthe disconcerting ease with which the people adopted the brutality of the enemy invaders animalism, animality, beastliness, bestiality, brutishness, swinishness carnality, physicality, sensualityboorishness, coarseness, crudeness, grossness, loutishness, rudenessbarbarity, cruelty, sadism, savagery, viciousness, wantonness intellectuality, spiritualitygreatheartedness, high-mindedness, magnanimity, nobilitybeneficence, benevolence, benignity, compassion, good-heartedness, kindheartedness, kindliness, kindness, tenderheartedness in 1550 |