例句 |
unpredictableadjective likely to change frequently, suddenly, or unexpectedlyunpredictable spring weather that makes it really hard to know what to wear capricious, changeable, changeful, fickle, flickery, fluctuating, fluid, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, skittish, temperamental, uncertain, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, variable, volatile aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic, haphazard, hit-or-miss, irregular, random, scattered, slapdash, strayambivalent, hesitating, shaky, shilly-shally, shilly-shallying, vacillating, waveringdicey, undependable, unreliable, untrustworthyadaptable, mobile, protean, versatile up in the air certain, changeless, constant, immutable, invariable, predictable, settled, stable, stationary, steady, unchangeable, unchanging, unvarying equable, even, uniformabiding, durable, lasting, permanent, persistentdependable, reliable, sure, tried, tried-and-true, true, trustworthy, trusty in 1840 |