例句 |
unschooledadjective lacking in education or the knowledge gained from booksan unschooled but nevertheless intelligent woman who desperately wanted to learn how to read analphabetic, benighted, dark, ignorant, illiterate, nonliterate, rude, simple, uneducated, uninstructed, unlearned, unlettered, unread, untaught, untutored functionally illiterate, innumerate, semiliterate, unknowledgeableartless, lowbrow, philistine, uncultivated, unculturedcallow, green, inexperienced, innocent, naive(or naïve)unsophisticatedraw, unskilled, untrainedbrainless, dumb, idiotic(also idiotical), imbecile(or imbecilic), moronic, stupid, witlessfoolish, senseless, silly educated, knowledgeable, lettered, literate, schooled, well-informed, well-read brilliant, intelligent, smartexperienced, expert, trainederudite, learned, polyhistoric, polymath(or polymathic), scholarlycultivated, cultured, highbrow, intellectualsophisticatedacquainted, aware, familiar in 1589 |