例句 |
no dicephrase producing no resultsThey rushed in the hope that they would make it in time for the movie, but no dice. abortive, barren, bootless, empty, fruitless, futile, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, otiose, profitless, unavailing, unproductive, unprofitable, unsuccessful, useless, vain hollow, idle, meaningless, pointless, valueless, worthlesshopeless, impossible, lost, no-win, unattainableinadequate, insufficient, lacking, wantingcounterproductive in vain, not worth the candle, of no avail deadly, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, fruitful, potent, productive, profitable, successful, virtuous meaningful, worthwhileadequate, sufficientapplicable, feasible, functional, practicable, practical, realizable, usable(also useable), workable |