例句 |
unstringsverbpresent tense third-person singular of unstring to cause to go insane or as if insanethe kind of fierce combat that can unstring even hardened soldiers cracks, crazes, deranges, frenzies, locos, maddens, unbalances, unhinges agitates, bothers, confuses, discomposes, disquiets, distracts, disturbs, perturbs, unsettles, upsetsannoys, irritates, vexes calms, quiets, relaxes, settles, soothes, tranquilizes(also tranquillizes) to deprive of courage or confidencea little unstrung by the fact that he was on his first job interview demoralizes, emasculates, paralyzes, undoes, unmans, unnerves debilitates, enervates, enfeebles, neuters, weakensprostrates, saps, softens, tires, wastesfrightens, intimidates, psychs (out), scares, terrifies, terrorizesdaunts, discourages, disheartens, dismays, dispiritscrazes, deranges, maddens, unbalances, unhingesdiscomposes, disquiets, disturbs, fazes, perturbs, unsettles, upsets, weirds out nerves fortifies, strengthensemboldens, encourages, heartens |