例句 |
gangnoun a group of people working together on a taska gang of neighborhood residents spent the weekend cleaning up the park army, band, brigade, company, crew, outfit, party, platoon, squad, team battalion, corps, troopforce, host, posse, stable, troupeadministration, department, help, personnel, staff a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together sociallythe whole gang went out for pizza the school's computer hackers had their own little gang body, bunch, circle, clan, clique, community, coterie, coven, crowd, fold, galère, klatch(also klatsch), lot, network, pack, ring, set charmed circle, elite, in-groupclosed shopclub, college, fellowship, guild(also gild), league, organization, societycamp, faction, sect, side, tribemess, squadbrotherhood, fraternity, order, sisterhood, sodality, sororitycommunealliance, bloc, coalition, confederation, congress, council, federation, union lonerindividualist a group involved in secret or criminal activitiespoliticians promising to stop the growth of inner-city gangs cabal, conspiracy, crew, Mafia, mob, ring, syndicate bunch, circle, clan, clique, coterie, coven, crowd, galère, lot, network, pack, setjunta, oligarchy before the 12th century |