例句 |
gapenoun a fixed intent lookI told him to stop staring, that his rather stupid gape was annoying aspect(archaic), eye, gaze, regard, scrutiny, stare glare, glowercontemplation, fixationattention, observance, observation, surveillance, watchexamination, inspection, perusal, study, survey blink(chiefly Scottish), flash, glance, glimpse, peek, peep, sight, stime(chiefly Scottish & Irish)oeillade, oglebrowse, scan gapeverbto look long and hard in wonder or surpriseshe suddenly realized she had been gaping at the good-looking waiter instead of giving him her order blink, gawk, gawp(chiefly British), gaze, goggle, peer, rubberneck, stare glare, gloat, glowerconsider, eye, fixate, observe, regard, watchleer, ogleperuse, pore (over), studyoutface, outstare, stare down glance, glimpse, peek, peepbrowse, dip (into), scanwink (at) in the 13th century |