例句 |
gaseousadjective marked by the use of impressive-sounding but mostly meaningless words and phrasesa pompous professor known for his gaseous lectures that often put students to sleep bombastic, flatulent, fustian, gassy, grandiloquent, oratorical, orotund, rhetorical(also rhetoric), windy bloated, elevated, florid, flowery, grandiose, highfalutin(also hifalutin), high-flown, high-sounding, inflated, lofty, ornate, pompous, pontifical, pretentious, stilted, tumid, turgidoverdone, verbose, wordy unrhetorical eloquent, well-spokenbald, direct, matter-of-fact, plain, plainspoken, simple, stark, straightforward, unadorned, unaffected, unpretentious in 1799 |