例句 |
gasesnounalso gassespl. of gas slanga source of great satisfactionthat movie with the spectacular special effects was a gas delectations, delights, feasts, joys, kicks, mannas, pleasures, treats amusements, diversions, entertainments, fun, recreationscomforts, reliefs, solacesgratifications, indulgencesambrosias gasesverbor gassespresent tense third-person singular of gasto engage in casual or rambling conversationa group of kids in the mall, gassing about their favorite music babbles, blabs, cackles, chaffers(British), chats, chatters, chins(slang), converses, gabbles, gabs, jabbers, jaws, kibitzes(also kibbitzes), natters, palavers, patters, prates, prattles, raps, rattles, runs on, schmoozes(or shmoozes), talks, twitters, visits gossips, tattlesdescants, discusses, expatiatesyaks(also yacks), yammers, yaps blows smoke, chews the fat(also chews the rag), shoots the breeze, talks a blue streak slangto give satisfaction toa swinging jazz set that really gassed the crowd agrees (with), contents, delights, feasts, gladdens, glads(archaic), gratifies, pleases, pleasures, rejoices, satisfies, suits, warms appeases, mollifies, pacifies, placates, soothesassuages, quenches, sates, satiatesexcites, tickles, titillatesamuses, diverts, entertains, treatscaptivates, charmsgalvanizes, thrillscalms, comfortscaters (to), humors, indulgescoddles, mollycoddles, pampers, spoils displeases aggravates, annoys, bothers, bugs, chafes, crosses, exasperates, galls, gets, grates, irks, irritates, nettles, peeves, perturbs, piques, puts out, ruffles, vexesangers, enrages, incenses, inflames(also enflames), infuriates, maddens, outrages, rankles, riles, roils, steams upprovokes, rousesagitates, distresses, disturbs, frets, upsetsharasses, harries, pestersaffronts, insults, offends |