例句 |
gashverb to penetrate with a sharp edge (as a knife)her face had been gashed by the rocks as she tumbled down the embankment cut, incise, rip, shear, slash, slice, slit crosscut, hacksaw, saw, scissorcleave, rive, splitpierce, stabbruise, butcher, hack, haggle, lacerate, manglerend, tearcarve, chip, chisel, notchanatomize, dissect, sectionchop, dice, minceamputate, cut off, sever gashnouna long deep cutgot a gash in his knee that required four stitches incision, laceration, rent, rip, slash, slit, tear abrasion, score, scrape, scratchinjury, woundcrack, fracture, rupture, snag in 1548 |