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gatheringsnounpl. of gathering a body of people come together in one placethe President spoke before the gathering of student leaders assemblages, assemblies, conferences, congregations, convocations, ingatherings, meetings, musters companies, consorts, coteries, gangs, packscaucuses, forums(also fora), markets, panels, rallies, symposia(or symposiums), synodsaudiences, galleries, grandstands, housescrowds, flocks, hordes, legions, multitudes, presses, swarms, throngscrushes, mobs, rabblements, rabbles a coming together of a number of persons for a specified purposeattended a gathering for descendants of people who came to America on the Mayflower assemblies, congresses, conventions, convocations, councils, get-togethers, huddles, meetings, powwows clinics, workshopscabinets, caucuses, conclaves, synodsdemonstrations, ralliesconfabs, conversations, dialogues(also dialogs), discourses, discussions, palavers, talksnegotiations, parleys, summitsconferences, forums(also fora), round-robins, roundtables(or less commonly round tables), seminars, symposia(or symposiums)audiences, interviews, sessions a mass or quantity that has piled up or that has been gathered over a period of timea great gathering of dust under the bed accretions, accumulations, assemblages, collections, cumulations, cumuli, lodgments(or lodgements), pileups agglomerates, assortments, congeries, conglomerates, conglomerations, hodgepodges, hotchpotches, jumbles, medleys, mélanges, mishmashes, mixes, mixtures, motleys, potpourrisagglomerations, clutters, hashes, heaps, litters, masses, pilesaggregates, aggregations, sums, totalitiesbacklogs, caches, funds, hoards, inventories, kitties, nest eggs, reserves, stockpiles, stocks, stores, supplies |