例句 |
self-rulingadjective of, relating to, or favoring political democracyhaving rid itself of the yoke of colonialism, the new nation chose to be a self-ruling state democratic, popular, republican, self-governing representativelibertarian, nontotalitarian nondemocratic, undemocratic autocratic(also autocratical), despotic, dictatorial, monarchal(or monarchial), monarchical(also monarchic), tyrannical(also tyrannic) not being under the rule or control of anotherwas granted special status as a self-ruling province autonomous, free, freestanding, independent, self-governed, self-governing, separate, sovereign(also sovran) freeborndelivered, emancipated, freed, liberated, manumitted, redeemed, releasedunconquered, unruled, unsupervisedempowered, enfranchiseddemocratic, republican dependent, nonautonomous, non-self-governing, subject, unfree bound, captive, conquered, enslaved, fettered, subdued, subjugatedinferior, subordinate, subservient in 1645 |