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bugbearnoun something or someone that causes fear or dread especially without reasoncommunism was once the nation's biggest bugbear bête noire, black beast, bogey(also bogie or bogy), bugaboo, dread, hobgoblin, ogre apparition, ghost, phantasm(also fantasm), phantom, poltergeist, shade, specter(or spectre), spirit, spook, wraithbanshee, bogeyman(also bogyman), demon(or daemon), devil, fiend, ghoul, imp, incubusfright, horrible, horror, monster, monstrosity, terrorbane, curse, enemy, plague, scourge, tormentabomination, anathema something that is a source of irritationhated all the bugbears of modern life, especially those long commutes to work aggravation, aggro(British), annoyance, bother, botheration, exasperation, frustration, hair shirt, hassle, headache, inconvenience, irk, irritant, nuisance, peeve, pest, rub, ruffle, thorn, trial, vexation discomfort, fleabite, pinprickaffront, insult, offense(or offence)upset, worryaffliction, albatross, burden, cross, curse, menace, millstone, plague, soreanxiety, plight, predicament, tribulation, troublehang-up, pet peeve, problemannoyer, disturber, harasser, mischief, offenderpandora's box delight, joy, pleasure in 1552 |