例句 |
buildernoun a person or company that builds or repairs things (such as houses or ships)They hired a team of builders to carry out the renovation. handyman, handyperson, workmanartificer, artisan, crafter, craftsman, craftsperson, craftswoman, handcraftsman, handicrafter, handicraftsman, handworker, tradesmanjourneyman, masterartist, architect, maker, producermanufacturer, mechanic, operative, shaper, smith, wrightfactory, manufactory, mill, plant, shop, works, workshop a person or organization that creates something (such as a business)He was one of the great empire builders of the 20th century. author, begetter, creator, establisher, father, founder, founding father, generator, inaugurator, initiator, instituter(or institutor), originator, sireconceiver, contriver, designer, deviser, formulator, innovator, introducer, inventor, spawnerarchitect, engineer, mastermindarranger, hatcher, planner, plotter, schemerartist, maker, producerdeveloper, pioneer, researcher, researchistcocreator, cofounder in the 14th century |