例句 |
nosingverbpresent participle of nose to become aware of by means of the sense organs in the nosecould nose the garbage from across the street scenting, smelling, sniffing, snuffing, whiffing breathing, drinking (in), inhaling, respiringsnorting, snufflingsavoring(also savouring) to interest oneself in what is not one's concerna neighbor who likes to nose around in everyone else's business butting in, interfering, interloping, intermeddling, intruding, meddling, messing, mucking (about or around), obtruding, poking, prying, snooping interceding, interposing, interveningbarging (in), chiseling (in)(or chiselling (in)), encroaching, infringing, invading, trespassingfiddling, fooling, monkeying, playing, tampering avoiding, eschewing, shunningdisregarding, ignoring, neglecting, overlooking to move slowlythe line to get tickets is just nosing, so we are going to be here for a while crawling, creaking (along), creeping, dragging, inching, limping, oozing, plodding, poking, slouching, snailing lumbering, shambling, shuffling, tramping, trudging flying, racing, speeding, whizzing, zipping floating, gliding, sailinghurrying, tearing in 1773 |