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nothingadverb not in any degree, way, or under any conditionnothing daunted by the poor reception his first novel received, he proceeded to write another one never, no, none, noway(or noways), nowise nowhere near by no means, in no wise, nothing doing, on no account anyhow, anyway, anywise, at all, ever, half, however completely, extremely, full, fully, par excellence, right, veryaltogether, exactlysomehow, someway(also someways)out nothingnouna person of no importance or influencehis friends couldn't understand why he'd want to marry a girl who was an obvious nothing cipher, dwarf, half-pint, insect, insignificancy, lightweight, morsel, nobody, nonentity, nullity, number, pip-squeak, pygmy(also pigmy), shrimp, snippersnapper, twerp, whippersnapper, zero, zilch no-name, noncelebrityleastinferior, mediocrity, obscurityfigurehead, puppetnonperson big shot, big wheel, bigwig, eminence, figure, kahuna, kingpin, magnate, nabob, personage, somebody, VIP chief, head, lead, leadercelebrity, luminary, notable, personality, planet, star, superstarauthority, superiorgreat power, party, power something of little importanceyou're always worrying about nothing bagatelle, child's play, frippery, nonproblem, picayune, shuck(s), small beer, small change, trifle, triviality naught(also nought), nothingness, smoke, zeropeanuts, pittance, song, straw, two bitsbunk, claptrap, drivel, folly, fribble, fudge, hogwash, humbug, humbuggery, nonsense, piffle, rot, trash, triviabit, crumb, dab, dram, lick, mite, ounce, particle, pinhead, scintilla, shred, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), soupçon, speck, spot, tad, touch, trace the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by ittwo minus two equals nothing aught, cipher, goose egg, naught(also nought), nil, o, oh, zero, zilch, zip blank, void before the 12th century |