例句 |
generousnessnoun the quality or state of being generousmany of the donations seemed to have been made more out of a nagging sense of guiltiness than in a true spirit of generousness bigheartedness, bountifulness, bounty, generosity, largesse(also largess), liberality, munificence, openhandedness, openheartedness, philanthropy, unselfishness beneficence, charity, kindliness, selflessnesskindnessgift, gratuity, lagniappetributeextravagance, improvidence, lavishness, prodigality, wastefulnessspendthriftdissipating, squandering cheapness, closeness, meanness, miserliness, parsimony, penuriousness, pinching, selfishness, stinginess, tightness, ungenerosity conserving, economizing, economy, frugality, husbandry, providence, scrimping, skimping, thriftconservation, savinghusbanding, managingscrapingcutting back |