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tracenoun a mark or series of marks left on a surface by something that has passed along itthe wolf came and went without leaving a trace on the hard, dry ground imprint, track, trail footmark, footprint, footstep, hoofprint, path, print, pug, rut, step, treadartifact, evidence, leavings, relic, remain(s), remainder, reminder, remnant, residual, residue, sign, spoor, telltale, token, vestigeclue, cue, hint, indication, inkling, intimation, lead, suggestionscent, shadow, whiff a passage cleared for public vehicular travelan old trace that dates back to the days of the covered wagon arterial, artery, avenue, boulevard, carriageway(British), drag, drive, expressway, freeway, high road, highway, pass, pike, road, roadway, route, row, street, thoroughfare, thruway, turnpike, way causewayautobahn, autoroute, autostrada, dual carriageway(chiefly British), interstate, motorway(chiefly British), superhighwaybeltway, bypass, parkway, ring road(chiefly British)corniche, switchbackthrough streethigh street(British), Main Streetbackstreet, branch, bystreet, byway, crossroad, secondary road, shunpike, side road, side streetalley, alleywaycircle, lane, laneway(British), mews(chiefly British), placeclose(chiefly British), cul-de-sac, dead endcorridortrack, trail a rough course or way formed by or as if by repeated footstepsstay on the trace, or you'll get lost in these thick woods footpath, path, pathway, track, trail bridle pathtowpathalley, alleyway, bypath, byroad, bystreet, byway, passageway, walkwaycutoff, shortcutlane, pass, passage, road, roadway, route, row, run, runway, street, thoroughfare a tiny often physical indication of something lost or vanisheda ship that appears to have vanished without a trace on the high seas echo, ghost, relic, shadow, vestige memento, remembrance, reminderartifactafterimage, aftertastebalance, corpse, hangover, leftover, oddment, remainder, remnant, scrapdreg(s), leavings, remain(s), residual, residue, rest a very small amountdoctors detected only a trace of bacteria in the blood sample but put the patient on antibiotics just in case ace, bit, crumb, dab, dram, driblet, glimmer, hint, lick, little, mite, nip, ounce, particle, peanuts, ray, scintilla, scruple, shade, shadow, shred, skosh, smack, smell, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), snap, soupçon, spark, spatter, speck, splash, spot, sprinkling, strain, streak, suspicion, tad, touch hoot, iota, jot, minim, minimum, modicum, semblance, syllable, tittle, vestige, whitatom, dot, fleck, flyspeck, grain, granule, molecule, morsel, mote, nubbin, patch, scrapdash, drop, pinchpart, portion, sectionbite, nibble, tastehandful, scattering, smatter, smatteringdose, shotchip, flake, fragment, shard, shiver, sliver, smithereens, splintertatterclipping, paring, shaving drop in the bucket abundance, barrel, boatload, bucket, bundle, bushel, deal, fistful, gobs, heaps, lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, lot, mass, mess, mountain, much, oodles, passel, peck, pile, plenty, potful, profusion, quantity, raft, reams, scads, stack, wad, wealthvolumebonanza, embarrassment, excess, overabundance, overage, overflow, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surpluschunk, hunk, lump, slab an almost imperceptible sign of somethingthere didn't seem to be so much as a trace of the truth to anything he said breath, flicker, glimmer, hint, suggestion, tang, touch, whiff inkling, intimation, scent, windevidence, indication, mark, sign permeation, pervasion, saturation the mark or impression made by a footfollowed the traces of the deer into the deep woods traceverbto draw or make apparent the outline oftrace your hand onto this piece of paper define, delineate, outline, silhouette, sketch linebound, fringe, margin, skirtedge, hem, rim, trimframecircle, compass, encircle, girdle, girth, loop, ring, round, surroundchart, diagram, draw, map (out) to go after or on the track ofpolice traced the burglar back to his apartment, where they discovered a ton of stolen loot bird-dog, chase, course, dog, follow, hound, pursue, run, shadow, tag, tail, track, trail accompany, chaperone(or chaperon), escorthunt, search (for), seekeye, observe, watch run after guide, lead, pilot head n.trace, vestige, track mean a perceptible sign made by something that has passed.trace may suggest any line, mark, or discernible effect.the killer left no traces vestige applies to a tangible reminder such as a fragment or remnant of what is past and gone.boulders that are vestiges of the last ice age track implies a continuous line that can be followed.the fossilized tracks of dinosaurs in the 14th century |