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notionaladjective dealing with or expressing a quality or ideashe has a notional understanding of romantic love but no actual experience of being in love abstract, conceptual, ideal, ideational, metaphysical, theoretical(also theoretic) conjectural, hypothetical, speculativecosmic(also cosmical), intellectual, mental, spiritualethereal, immaterial, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, nonphysical, unsubstantialimpalpable, imperceptible, insensible, intangible, invisibleimpractical, romantic, transcendent, transcendental, unreal, utopian, visionary concrete, nonabstract material, physicalappreciable, detectable, discernible(also discernable), noticeable, observable, palpable, perceptible, sensible, substantial, tangible, visibledefined, definite, distinctactual, factual, real not real and existing only in the imaginationyour computer's "visits" to various parts of cyberspace are entirely notional—you stay put and the Web pages come to you chimerical(also chimeric), fabulous, fanciful, fantasied, fantastic(also fantastical), fictional, fictitious, ideal, imaginal, imaginary, imagined, invented, made-up, make-believe, mythical(or mythic), phantasmal, phantasmic, phantom, pretend, unreal, visionary fabled, legendary, romanticabstract, hypothetical, theoretical(also theoretic)unbelievable, unconvincing, unlikelyconceived, envisaged, envisioned, pictured, visualizeddaydreamlike, deceptive, delusional, delusive, hallucinatory, illusory, phantasmagoric(or phantasmagorical)concocted, fabricated, feigned, fictiveinexistent, nonexistent actual, existent, existing, real authentic, genuine, truefactual, verifiable, verifiedbelievable, convincing, realisticcorporeal, material, physical, solid, substantialpalpable, tangible in 1597 |