例句 |
burglarizingverbpresent participle of burglarize to enter a house or building by force usually with illegal intentthe Watergate scandal began when Republican operatives burglarized the Democratic Party's headquarters in Washington, D.C. breaking in, burgling invading, trespassingholding up, looting, plundering, ripping off, robbing, sticking upransacking, riflingdespoiling, devastating, marauding, pillaging, ravaging, sacking to remove valuables from (a place) unlawfullybefore they were caught, the thieves had burglarized dozens of houses around the city burgling, knocking off, knocking over, ripping off, robbing, stealing (from), taking off(slang) ransacking, riflingdespoiling, looting, pillaging, plundering, ravishing, sacking, spoiling, strippingbleeding, breaking in, cheating, chiseling(or chiselling), cozening, defrauding, exploiting, fleecing, gypping, hustling, mulcting, plucking, rooking, shortchanging, skinning, squeezing, sticking, stinging, swindlingholding up, mugging, rolling, sticking up |