

单词 burn one's ears
例句 burn one's earsphrase

to criticize (someone) so as to correct a faultShe burned his ears for not wearing a seatbelt.

admonish, chide, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tick off

berate, castigate, chew out, dress down, flay, harangue, jaw, keelhaul, lambaste(or lambast), lecture, rail (at or against), rate, scold, score, upbraidabuse, assail, attack, bad-mouth, blame, blast, censure, condemn, criticize, crucify, denounce, dis(also diss, slang), excoriate, fault, knock, lash, pan, reprehend, slambelittle, deprecate, disparage, minimize, mock, put downderide, ridicule, scoff, scorn

get after, get on

approve, endorse(also indorse), OK(or okay), sanctionapplaud, extol(also extoll), hail, laud, praise, salute, tout





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