

单词 buying
例句 buyingverbpresent participle of buy

to get possession of (something) by giving money in exchange forI really want to buy that new book, but I don't have enough money right now

copping(slang), picking up, purchasing, taking

acquiring, gaining, garnering, getting, obtaining, procuring, securing, winningfinancing, paying (for), springing (for)bartering (for), dealing (for), dickering (over), exchanging (for), haggling (for), negotiating (about), trading (for)bargaining (with), chaffering (with), horse-trading (with), paltering (with)bidding, offeringrebuying, repurchasing

dealing (in), marketing, merchandising(also merchandizing), retailing, selling, vending

to influence someone with a bribethere were rumors that the mobster had bought the judge

bribing, corrupting, having, paying off, squaring

fixing, tampering (with)abasing, debasing, debauching, defiling, degrading, demeaning, depraving, dishonoring, perverting, poisoning, profaning, prostituting, subverting, tainting, warpingalluring, baiting, beguiling, enticing, leading on, luring, seducing, temptingmotivating, provoking, spurring, stimulatinggoading, inducingflattering, persuadingsnaring, trapping

getting at, greasing the hand of(or greasing the palm of), oiling the hand of(or oiling the palm of)

to regard as right or trueif you buy that story, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in

accepting, believing, crediting, swallowing, taking, trusting

accounting, accrediting, understandingassuming, presuming, supposingconcluding, deducing, inferring

setting store by(or setting store on)

disbelieving, discrediting, rejecting

distrusting, doubting, misdoubting, mistrusting, questioning, suspectingchallenging, disputing





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