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buysnounpl. of buy something bought or offered for sale at a desirable pricefour cartons of ice cream for four dollars is a real buy bargains, deals, pennyworth(or pennyworths), snips(British), steals clearances, closeouts, markdownscheapiesbonuses, freebies(or freebees), gifts, giveaways, premiums, presentsboons, windfalls overcharges, rip-offsmarkups, surchargesextravagances, luxuries buysverbpresent tense third-person singular of buyto get possession of (something) by giving money in exchange forI really want to buy that new book, but I don't have enough money right now cops(slang), picks up, purchases, takes acquires, gains, garners, gets, obtains, procures, secures, winsfinances, pays (for), springs (for)barters (for), deals (for), dickers (over), exchanges (for), haggles (for), negotiates (about), trades (for)bargains (with), chaffers (with), horse-trades (with), palters (with)bids, offersrebuys, repurchases deals (in), markets, merchandises(also merchandizes), retails, sells, vends to influence someone with a bribethere were rumors that the mobster had bought the judge bribes, corrupts, has, pays off, squares fixes, tampers (with)abases, debases, debauches, defiles, degrades, demeans, depraves, dishonors, perverts, poisons, profanes, prostitutes, subverts, taints, warpsallures, baits, beguiles, entices, leads on, lures, seduces, temptsmotivates, provokes, spurs, stimulatesgoads, inducesflatters, persuadessnares, traps gets at, greases the hand of(or greases the palm of), oils the hand of(or oils the palm of) to regard as right or trueif you buy that story, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in accepts, believes, credits, swallows, takes, trusts accounts, accredits, understandsassumes, presumes, supposesconcludes, deduces, infers sets store by(or sets store on) disbelieves, discredits, rejects distrusts, doubts, misdoubts, mistrusts, questions, suspectschallenges, disputes |