例句 |
revolutionnoun a rapid turning about on an axis or central pointrevved the engine to 3000 revolutions per minute gyration, pirouette, reel, roll, rotation, spin, twirl, wheel, whirl circuit, circulation, ring, roundcoil, curl, curve, spiral, twist, whorlcircle, orbiteddy, swirl open fighting against authority (as one's own government)the revolution by which the American colonies gained their independence from Great Britain necessitated going up against the world's most powerful army insurgence, insurgency, insurrection, mutiny, outbreak, rebellion, revolt, rising, uprising coup, coup d'état(or coup d'etat), overthrowmisprision, sedition, treachery, treasonsabotage, subversion counterinsurgency, counterrevolution rebellion, revolution, uprising, revolt, insurrection, mutiny mean an outbreak against authority.rebellion implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful.open rebellion against the officers revolution applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change (as in government).a political revolution that toppled the monarchy uprising implies a brief, limited, and often immediately ineffective rebellion.quickly put down the uprising revolt and insurrection imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.a revolt by the Young Turks that surprised party leaders an insurrection of oppressed laborers mutiny applies to group insubordination or insurrection especially against naval authority.a mutiny led by the ship's cook in the 14th century |