例句 |
revolutionariesnounpl. of revolutionary a person who favors rapid and sweeping changes especially in laws and methods of governmentafter the collapse of the Russian monarchy, the moderate socialists briefly governed until being overthrown by the Bolshevik revolutionaries crazies, extremists, radicals, revolutionists young Turkslefties, leftists, redsprogressives, reformers, reformistsanarchists, anarchs, subversivesagitators, insurgents, insurrectionists, rebelssecessionists, separationists, separatists middle-of-the-roaders, moderates conservatives, fuddy-duddies, reactionaries, rightists, standpatters, Tories, traditionalists a person who rises up against authorityat first the government was not worried about this small band of unarmed revolutionaries insurgents, insurrectionaries, insurrectionists, mutineers, rebels, reds, revolters, revolutionists challengers, defiers, insubordinates, oppositionists, recusants, refusers, resistants, resistersanarchists, anarchsdiscontents, extremists, malcontents, radicals loyalists, patriots, supporterscounterinsurgents, counterrevolutionaries, counterrevolutionists |