例句 |
revolutionsnounpl. of revolution a rapid turning about on an axis or central pointrevved the engine to 3000 revolutions per minute gyrations, pirouettes, reels, rolls, rotations, spins, twirls, wheels, whirls circuits, circulations, rings, roundscoils, curls, curves, spirals, twists, whorlscircles, orbitseddies, swirls open fighting against authority (as one's own government)the revolution by which the American colonies gained their independence from Great Britain necessitated going up against the world's most powerful army insurgences, insurgencies, insurrections, mutinies, outbreaks, rebellions, revolts, risings, uprisings coups, coups d'état(or coups d'etat also coup d'états or coup d'etats), overthrowsmisprisions, seditions, treacheries, treasonssabotages, subversions counterinsurgencies, counterrevolutions |